Raptor Email Security

Table of Contents

  1. Phishing Prevention Lunch and Learn - July 19, 2024 at 12pm EDT
  2. Upcoming Raptor Features
  3. a. Raptor Remark [New] Tag update
    b. Continued improvements to Raptor Remark Tags
  4. Features Added Last Quarter
  5. a. Legacy *****SPAM***** Subject Tag Deprecation
  6. Raptor Spam Stats Corner
  7. Tip of the Quarter - Out of Office Messages and their security concerns

Happy 4th of July

Phishing Prevention Lunch & Learn - July 19, 2024 at 12pm EDT

At Noon (EDT) on July 19, 2024, please join PCCC for a free, 100% educational, Lunch & Learn virtual event on Phishing Prevention. Live, engaging, with a little humor and some Q&A, all produced and presented by the staff behind Raptor Email Security.

To sign up to join the Lunch and Learn, please fill out: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5u2amG63QOcNfyIlBRjgGbdMofMwDdIXJ9IXd-i6EYUA6Aw/viewform.

PCCC will send out links to those that have filled out that form on July 15, 2024.

Upcoming Raptor Features

Raptor Remark [New] Tag

PCCC’s goal for the [New] tag is to inform users when an email that they’ve never corresponded with sends them an email. This requires a bit more work to complete in order to be in a state that PCCC feels comfortable to roll out to our users.

Please look forward to hearing more information about the [New] tag and our plans to roll it out in the coming months.

Continued Improvements to Raptor Remark Tags

In the last quarter, PCCC continued work to improve our Raptor Remark Tags in order to help better protect Raptor users.

This is something that PCCC is committed to continuing improving the tags into the next quarter.

Features Added Last Quarter

Legacy *****SPAM***** Subject Tag Deprecation

PCCC in the last quarter updated our Raptor Remark Subject tag across all customers to use the modern [Spam] tag rather than the legacy *****SPAM***** subject tag.

PCCC understood this change would impact users from multiple organizations and relayed in the last Quarterly Newsletter that the Raptor Remark tag would be getting updated.

If a user is reporting about the mail not being properly placed in their spam folder, it may be due to an outdated *****SPAM***** tag rule. If assistance is needed to resolve this, please reach out to support@pccc.com and PCCC will be happy to assist.

Raptor Spam Stats Corner

Highest Spam Percent in the Last 30 Days: 99.2%
Highest Spam Percent in the Last 60 Days: 99.1%
Highest Spam Percent in the Last 90 Days: 99.07%

Average Spam Percent in the Last 30 Days: 20.9%
Average Spam Percent in the Last 60 Days: 21.3%
Average Spam Percent in the Last 90 Days: 21.3%

To see your domain Raptor Spam Statistics, you can navigate to raptor.pccc.com and enter your domain to be redirected to the server that you are deployed on.

Login to your Raptor Admin Dashboard and navigate to your Raptor Statistics either via the top Raptor Admin drop down or through the Spam Statistics Tile.

Tip of the Quarter

Out of Office Message safety and what it CAN indicate to others

Have you ever created an Out of Message just before taking time off to alert anyone trying to contact you that you aren’t available?

It’s something that people will set up without thinking too much about the potential impact it could have beyond informing others that you won’t respond before a certain date and time.

It also informs anyone with potentially ill intentions that gets the automated message that you are potentially not currently going to respond to emails due to location, service, or a gambit of other reasons.

This can lead to bad actors attempting to impersonate you by sending mail to people you usually interact with. This can take the form of acting like you don’t have access to your email and need them to perform some actions that are important to the business thus tricking others into financial scams and things like allowing remote access to an important machine.

Thank you,

Raptor Email Security Support
cs@raptor.us  |  +1.800.823.8402
Peregrine Computer Consultants Corporation

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