Raptor Email Security

Table of Contents

  1. 20 Years of Free Threat Data via KAM.cf Ruleset
  2. Upcoming Raptor Email Security Features
  3. Features Added in the Last Quarter
  4. Referrals! And how you can help with them
  5. Raptor Spam Stats Corner
  6. April Fools

20 Years of Free Threat Data via KAM.cf Ruleset

In May of 2024, we will celebrate 20 years of publishing free threat data available via the KAM Ruleset.

Every day, this threat data protects hundreds of millions of inboxes representing over 30% of the domains on the internet.

So when you report your samples to Raptor Review, it not only helps you get rid of spam, but it helps the entire world!

Upcoming Raptor Features

Legacy *****SPAM***** Subject Tag Deprecation

The trusty *****SPAM***** tag that you might still be seeing on your email subject headers if you are a long time Raptor customer will soon be getting fully replaced. The replacement will be our more modern Raptor Remark style subject of [Spam].

This change has been around for quite some time however Raptor had not enforced a change for our legacy customers to use that Subject tag. The change should be automatic and seamless once put fully into production.

Raptor Remark In-Line Explanation

A complete explanation of Raptor Remarks will be added in-line in the email body in order to let the user better understand possible issues the email might have.

Raptor Remark [New] Tag

Our plans to roll out the [New] tag during Q1 2024 fell through a bit due to some concerns. For Raptor, we don’t want to put something into production that reaches ALL email users that Raptor scans for that might have issues or cause undue panic.

As such, we’ve pushed back the plans for the [New] tag to Q2 2024. For a quick reminder, [New] tag adds a Raptor Remark to the subject if there is no record of correspondence between your email and the sender of the email being received.

Features Added in the Last Quarter

Spam Processing Speed and Accuracy Improvements

During Q1 2024, our CTO Giovanni was instrumental in helping to improve the reliability of our code that makes DNS queries. This has helped both improve the speed and accuracy.of the spam processing as things are less likely to get hung up by wild goose chase DNS queries and if DNS query fails, we can use that information more effectively.

Alongside the DNS query improvements, there has been additional improvements to the speed of ExtractText in SpamAssassin which has helped further increase our email processing speed and allow us to more quickly extract text for analysis to determine if an email is more likely to be spam.

General Raptor Dashboard Speed Improvements

One pain point that we are very aware of is the Raptor Dashboard is altogether often too slow to load and was often a slog to get through.

In Q1 2024, we have been able to improve the speed of the Raptor Dashboard and are continuing to work at improving the user experience and speed as we move forward into Q2 2024.

Raptor Email Deliverability Page Improvements

On the Raptor Dashboard, one additional pain point was Raptor Email Deliverability’s web page.The webpage is a tool that allows Raptor admins to check on the status of emails based on search criteria and can show the full logs of an email’s travel through Raptor servers.

This page was unfortunately quite slow and had a pre-loaded set of results that only exacerbated the issue. In Q1 2024, we were able to significantly speed up the page by removing the preloaded results.

Referrals! And how you can help with them

Everyone at PCCC hopes that our customers are happy with the product and the service that we provide.

To that end, if you know anyone that is looking for an email scanning and security solution, we’d love it if you would reach out to them and see if they would be interested in Raptor.

Every additional customer helps us collect more email data directly and continue fine tuning our spam checking rules to ensure that the good email gets through.

For those not interested in Raptor’s main product, we also offer a variety of personalized training courses.

Raptor Spam Stats Corner

  • Highest Spam Percent in the Last 30 Days: 99.2%
  • Highest Spam Percent in the Last 60 Days: 99.1%
  • Highest Spam Percent in the Last 90 Days: 99.07%

Pulled from server1:
  • Average Spam Percent in the Last 30 Days: 29.22%
  • Average Spam Percent in the Last 60 Days: 29.1%
  • Average Spam Percent in the Last 90 Days: 28.57%

To see your own Raptor Spam Statistics, you can navigate to raptor.pccc.com and enter your domain to be redirected to the server that you are deployed on.

Login to your Raptor Admin Dashboard and navigate to your Raptor Statistics either via the top Raptor Admin drop down or through the Spam Statistics Tile.

April Fools

For our April Fools this year, PCCC decided that for joining into the fun, we’d like to list of some of our favorite pranks:
  1. Brussel Sprouts on lollipop sticks with a wrapper such as a Tootsie Pop or inside Ferrero Rocher (sp) wrappers.

  2. Google Gnome prank - For those unaware, this was a joke about a Google Home in your yard shaped like a garden gnome.

  3. “The Office” where an identity theft prank was followed up by the “IF” trailer.

  4. A For Sale/Sold sign in front of a friend’s house with a fake number that they had answered and ran the prank for at least 15 minutes.

Thank you,

Raptor Email Security Support
cs@raptor.us  |  +1.800.823.8402
Peregrine Computer Consultants Corporation

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